Bjäre som jag ser det...

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The Bronze age in Bjäre, Sweden.


On the Bjäre peninsula in the southern province of Scania a considerable number of monuments from the Bronze Age have been preserved. In a territory of 9 x 5 km there are more than 500 Bonze age mounds and cairns, an exceptional number of sites with cup markings and more than 100 areas with terraced Celtic fields, presumably in use already in the Bronze Age. The hilly Bjäre landscape must have offered ideal conditions for Bronze age life with its direct access to water-ways in three directions, a light self-draining soil and good pasturelands. Still today the peninsula is most beautiful, characterized by a small scale, agricultural countryside with lavish sceneries and spacious protected areas formed by grazing since prehistoric times. Bjäre today is perfect for hiking as well as for cycling and motoring. The project of European Cultural Paths contains three major items, care and preservation of the monuments and an active communication of the Bjäre Bronze age landscape directed to a wide public. Research and surveys treat with environmental aspects of the Bjäre Bronze Age and with traces of activities linked to the cup marks. The communication programme offers two paths through the landscape connecting the major Bronze Age monuments. The paths are preferably followed by car or bycycle. At some of the stops walking tracks are traced to nearby monuments. Furthemore there is an information material presented on signs, in brochures, on Internet and other media. A special programme is directed to school children.

The path I Båstad-Bjäre.


This path leads through the central and western part of the peninsula. Twelve stops are made at major sites, like the cup marking rocks of Drottninhhall, the stone ship and enigmatic wall constructions of Tofta Högar, the big site of Celtic fields in the wood of Dejarp and the majestatic mound of Dagshög, largest Bronze age mound of Scania. Walking tracks are traced at Bjäragården and through a unique seashore nature to the cairns of Gröthögarna.